Friday, January 30, 2009

Click, click. Who's There?

I just recently discovered Google Analytics and find that it has changed how I view the internet in general. I heard about it as I've been setting up the business website and researching web tools. This one (another freebie from our friends at Google) tracks all of the visits to your website and offers up an array of information and details that left me slack-jawed. The handy report will dish out: how many visits there were to your website, how long each visitor stayed, which pages they navigated to, how they got to your site, which browser they used, whether they have visited before, where they are(!). OK, maybe I was a little naive about this, but I was really surprised by the amount of information that can be collected and analyzed and used for...what? Marketing, targeting, perfecting websites to lure consumers like a cyber-Svengali? Well, let this be a warning to any of you that are still as clueless as I used to be: your every click is being counted by somebody.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Necessary Luxuries

Yes, I've heard it all before:

"You're starting a business now? In this economy?"
"It looks like you have a lot of competition out there."
"Are you crazy?"

(OK, that last one I heard in my own head, but it still counts.) All I can say is: "yes", "I know", and "could be". But none of that matters. I've decided that I want to jump in, eyes wide open, and just see what happens. I'm learning a lot along the way, from liability insurance to HTML coding, and so it can't be a total waste of time (and money).

But wait, here is some good news: reports that spending on personal care products is up! It's an interesting article that really got me thinking about what I personally find to be necessary versus a luxury. The line can be blurry.

But right there on the list is "personal care" items, which had a double-digit sales increase last year. So it looks like I've lucked upon one sector that may actually benefit from a downturn in the economy (well, a girl can dream, can't she?). OK, at least, it looks like the downturn may not have as huge an impact as in, say, car manufacturing or fine art. That's good enough for now.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Soap Teasers

I've started loading up my website with pictures and descriptions of some items today - teasers, if you will. (Click on the picture of the soap on the sidebar to go there now...go know you'll have to sooner or later). This has pushed me into learning a little bit about HTML coding (which is a lot more than I ever thought I would learn about HTML coding). But it's working and I'm happy with all of my "customizing". I even got myself a favicon! (That's the little picture that shows up next to the web address up at the top of the browser window.) I'll be taking more photos and loading more pics in the coming days, so stay tuned.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Unleash Some Creativity

While listening to NPR today, I came across a great new computer game that makes you work out problems and channel your inner physicist. Called Crayon Physics Deluxe, it transforms your doodles into integral parts of the game and challenges you to use your own ideas in solving the problems. No loud music, no chasing, no body counts. Just a screen that looks like a piece of paper and your "crayons". Inspired by the classic book "Harold and the Purple Crayon", the game's designer took over a year and a half (in between going to school) to complete the game. And what a gem it is. It's a deceptively simple-looking game that exercises your creativity muscles. There's a free demo version to try first. It's worth a look.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Any day now...

Well, it's still in the works, but a functioning retail website for the new soap business is coming! (yes, really) I'm excited about my brand new logo (the wavy one, ^ up there), soap is curing, packaging is coming, and the website is ready for all of the pictures and descriptions. As soon as I get some labels printed and gather up the shipping supplies, I'll finally have to take the plunge and do it already! Even I am getting annoyed with myself as I continue to dither and hesitate (so you know something has got to change soon...)