A layered bar with a wavy top
- Some bars from a funnel swirl batch
- "In-the-pot" swirl
- Embedded soap shapes add real interest
Yesterday was a full day of soapmaking and teaching and teaching soapmaking. It was the first time that I taught my brand-new class "Advanced Cold Process Soap Design with Loaf Molds" at The Nova Studio. (With a title that long, no wonder we needed 5 hours of class time!) I showed a great group of students lots of techniques and ideas for jazzing up their soap with some color and design. And we even made four batches of soap in that one class -- a personal record for me!
I had a great time, and I think that the students did, too. Tomorrow I'll cut the soap into bars and get ready to send every student a bar from each batch.
I'll be teaching this class again soon, so check with The Nova Studio now if you'd like to join me next time!
And many thanks to Rick (one of the students) for all the great pictures.